• +93 20 250 14 20
  • info@aelso.org

اهدای کتاب به ولایت پنجشیر

AELSO October 1, 2019 Recent News

به دلیل اینکه ترویج فرهنگ کتابخوانی یکی از اهداف موسسه مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان در کشور می باشد، این موسسه همواره در صدد همکاری با نهاد ها و مکان های که بخاطر مطالعه کتاب ایجاد و یا تاسیس می گردد است، تا خدمتی برای نسل جوان و تحصیل یافته کشور کرده باشد و باعث […]

قابل توجه علاقمندان رشته ژورنالیزم! کار با ما

AELSO September 22, 2019 Recent News

قابل توجه علاقمندان رشته ژورنالیزم! کار با ما: آیا محصل رشته ژورنالیزم هستید و آیا علاقمندی آموزش و کار در رسانه را دارید؟ موسسه مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان همراه با بخش نشراتی خویش (رادیو آنلاین راه ابریشم) در نظر دارند تا برای تعدادی از جوانان که محصل رشته ژورنالیزم باشند و نیز آنانیکه برای […]

Conference on Peace, Tolerance & Prosperity in Islam – Paktia Provence

AELSO September 22, 2019 Recent News

We are not only working in safe places of the country but we are also traveling and working on those places of Afghanistan which needs more for our work; but because of the security challenges no one dare to go and work on there, except our wonderful and brave team! Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies […]

The Dari edition of the “Adventures of Jonathan Gullible” book

AELSO September 17, 2019 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) is pleased to announce that the translating of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey book which is written by Ken Schoolland and translated/edited by Mohammad Khalid Ramizy is done and the book is under printing. This book has a lot of important lessons for […]

Upcoming Event: In a city which is surrounded by insurgents and extremist groups

AELSO September 15, 2019 Recent News

The  Academy of Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) is pleased to announce the first Conference on Peace, Tolerance & Prosperity in Islam, which will be host by our co organizer The White Assembly team in Paktia Province  (The city which is surrounded by the extremist and insurgents groups, but the youths and citizens […]

An MoU Signed between AELSO & Rana University

AELSO September 12, 2019 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) as the leading free market think tank of Afghanistan signed a MoU with Rana University which is one of the prestigious private university of Afghanistan on September 11, 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to educate, develop, empower and equip the students of Rana University which […]