Youths & Human Rights Summit and celebration of the 11th anniversary of AELSO

AELSO December 17, 2020 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) celebrated its 11th anniversary and the international human rights day through organizing Youths & Human rights Summit on December 10th, 2020 in Kabul. In this half day summit, AELSO’s founders and executive board members, representatives of the Independent Human Rights Commission and the International Committee of the […]

AELSO Academy wins the Smith Student Outreach Award 2020 & an Overall Update of this Initiative

AELSO December 6, 2020 Recent News

AELSO Academy is a unique initiative launched by the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) for promoting free market, individual freedom, human rights, rule of law, and other free society values in Afghanistan. It includes series of seminars, trainings, conferences, webinars, round-table discussions, as well as video and radio programs. Each program carries 1-4 […]

Promotion of Democratic & Pluralistic Values in Youths (Liberty Club & AELSO Academy)

AELSO November 28, 2020 Recent News

With the aim of instilling democratic and pluralistic values in youths, the “Liberty Club” project has been initiated by the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) with the direct help national and international organizations. The main objectives of the project in 2020 includes organizing series of conferences and round-table discussions in eight major provinces […]

سمپوزیم جوانان برای صلح وهمدیگرپذیری| ولایت‌بدخشان

AELSO November 25, 2020 Recent News

برنامه‌ای تحت‌عنوان “نقش جوانان در ترویج و آموزش ارزش‌های صلح، رفاه و همدیگرپذیری”، به ابتکار مٶسسه‌ی مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان، AELSO در فیض‌آباد مرکز بدخشان، راه اندازی شد. در این برنامه، به تعداد 60 تن اعم از استادان دانشگاه، فعالان فرهنگی و اجتماعی، فعالان حقوق‌بشری، جوانان، فعالان‌مدنی ومحصلان، اشتراک نمودند. در آغاز برنامه، ابتدا […]

Second Round of Youth Symposium for Peace & Tolerance | Paktia – Afghanistan

AELSO November 19, 2020 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO), along with the Lincoln academic center and the White Social Organization (The White Assembly) jointly organized the Youth Symposium for Peace and Tolerance in Paktia province on November 12, 2020. In this symposium, the youths, university lecturers & students, civil and human rights activists, religious scholars as […]

Youth Symposium for Peace & Tolerance | Herat – Afghanistan

AELSO November 19, 2020 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO), Kahkashan-E-Sharq Institute of Higher Education and the White Social Organization (The White Assembly) jointly organized the Youth Symposium for Peace and Tolerance in Herat province. The symposium saw incomparable and extensive participation of Youths, university lecturers and students, high ranking government officials, civil and human rights activists, […]