February 16, 2025 Article Author : Rokhsar Raoofi Required Time : 30 Minutes

The Role of Women’s Education and Employment in the Country’s Economic Development

Achieving development and improving the quality of life has always been one of the key aspirations that has driven human progress. Sustainable development, as a foundation for human growth and advancement, can only be successful when it involves the participation of all social groups. Among these groups, women make up half of the population of a country, a fact that is often overlooked in developing societies. Women, as one of the most valuable human resources in society, are not only the subject and goal of any development, but also a driving force in advancing developmental objectives, particularly economic development.

This paper, using a library-based methodology, aims to examine the role of women’s education and employment in the economic development of a country. Women, as half of the workforce, should be recognized and empowered to establish their identity in this field. Empowering women and removing the barriers to their economic participation improves their economic standing in society, creating the potential for broader economic growth and development.

The findings of this research suggest that education is the cornerstone of development, as progress is not possible without a skilled and dynamic human workforce. Since women make up half of a country’s workforce, their education is an essential priority. Women, as vital members of society, influence a country’s economic development in two ways: directly, through their work and economic activities outside the home, and indirectly, through their roles within the family, which also contributes to economic development.

Keywords: Development, Education, Employment, Women, Economic Development