
AELSO September 12, 2014


Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) through the establishment of volunteer networks that includes from students, social and civil society activists, universities’ lecturers, members of parliament and provincial councils, research institutions, economic and law affairs analysts, wants to increase public awareness on promotion of free society values such as free market economy, good governance, human rights, rule of law and equal opportunities for taken the practical and efficient steps on this context.

These networks by organizing analytical and public awareness meetings would be able to improve the current social capacities in this regard.

Every volunteer networks in the center and in provinces is leading by some one who has academic and social qualification, trying to reach jointly with others to ward the strategic goals of AELSO.

Volunteers Network

Volunteers are includes of those to attend in training programs of (AELSO) and have agreement with its strategic goals and cooperate with organization through voluntarily in propagation.

These volunteers are includes of universities students, education and higher education organizations, journalists, policy makers, members of civil institutions, governmental employee and other eager persons.

Student’s Network

The student’s network of AELSO is composed of young students at center and provincial level, they are volunteer students who are interested in AELSO’s ideas and participate in academic conferences and gatherings. The main purpose of the establishment of this network is providing the training opportunities for youngsters in issues like human rights, values of open society, and free- market.

AELSO’s student’s network was initially established at the center and will be expanded to the provinces by establishing such network AELSO plans to provide a chance for youngsters to exchange views with national and international like- minded institutions.


Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) through realizing of activist and destiny making of Media roll, on brighten of public awareness, has very strong networks of journalists to they are interested on correlate issues of free society and free market economy and make good opportunities on their capacity building in frame of AELSO’s works.

Businessman’s Network

Since the role of traders in developing Afghanistan economy is significant, the geographical location of this country is providing opportunities for production and transit of clothes to south East Asia, Asia, and other parts of the world. It is important for traders to understand international trade standards, commercial laws, conventions related to trade, transit and investment.

Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization tries to establish traders-network and put up trainings, workshops, seminars, printing brochures, and facilitate sharing trade experience with individuals of each country.

The Human Rights Network

The human rights is an accepted international standard that recognizes officially individual freedoms and responsibilities in all communities, and compels the states to respect them as an international value in social, cultural, legal, economical, civil and political lives of citizens.

AELSO along with other human rights institutions with composition of human rights activists in Afghanistan is working to provide training and capacity building programs with publicizing Islamic and sound –social values in order to inform people of their human rights, in this regard children’s right, women’s right, rights of persons with disability are in the priority of our work.

The Human Rights network of AELSO is composed of religious scholars, teachers, legal professionals, youths including student’s network, journalists, writers, artists, social-workers, human rights defenders and other interested individuals who understands the values of human rights and they benefit from training programs of this organization and volunteers to part-take in public-awareness activities of this organization.

AELSO selects the most- professional human rights actors while conducting public-awareness programs, academic researches, training programs, and social-campaigns to facilitate legitimate employment opportunities for them.

If you want to join in one of our networks; please contact with Khalid Ramizy at: [email protected]