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January 23, 2022 Article Author : Sayed Mustafa Saeedi Required Time : 20 Min

Ways to achieve good governance in Afghanistan

In today’s world, systems and governments that are system-oriented and equal to the standards and indicators of good governance by providing public services to their citizens, are supported by the citizens of those societies to the same extent. Experience has proven that good governance and the realization of its indicators in societies has led to growth and development, achievements, institutionalization of rule of law culture, accountability and reduction of administrative-political corruption, and every ruler or leader who has been able to be a good model for implementing and realizing good and fair governance It has also benefited from the support of all the nation.

In the second half of the 20th century and now the 21st century, the world has quickly turned into a village, and due to the effect of innovation in information technology and the strengthening of automatic systems for realizing electronic governance, it has also become an important and strong system for fighting corruption and realizing good governance. . Most of the countries with more success than before and by providing services to their people have emerged as pioneers of good governance. Countries such as Singapore, Japan, Germany, etc., which are in the first place in the field of reducing and eliminating administrative corruption, and the nature of their governance and the implementation of good governance indicators in those countries have been at the top and have become the talk of the town.

The main and fundamental goal of good governance is actually to strengthen the supply of public services in a fair and non-discriminatory manner and in the shortest possible time and to seriously fight against political-administrative corruption, which in the last 20 years has only remained limited to empty and demagogic slogans in Afghanistan. and enough Neither the provision of services for citizens was supported nor the systems that respond to the needs of citizens and a prosperous society were institutionalized.

Therefore, keeping in mind the challenges in Afghanistan, in this article we will explore the ways to achieve good governance.