The Role of Women’s Education and Employment in the Country’s Economic Development

Article Author : Rokhsar Raoofi Required Time : 30 Minutes

Achieving development and improving the quality of life has always been one of the key aspirations that has driven human progress. Sustainable development, as a foundation for human growth and advancement, can only be successful when it involves the participation of all social groups. Among these groups, women make up half of the population of […]

The Mechanism of State Recognition in International Relations: Post-August 15, 2021, Afghanistan

Article Author : Mujdeh Mohammadyar Required Time : 59 Minute

Every state and government must seek recognition upon its establishment to fully exercise sovereignty and be accepted as an active member of the international community. In international law, recognition is primarily a political process, with various methods proposed for achieving it. However, recognition is generally considered a discretionary act and not a mandatory act, which […]

The Necessity of Establishing an Entrepreneurial University in Afghanistan: Challenges and Solutions

Article Author : Hanif Farzan; President of AELSO and University Lecturer Required Time : 28 Min

Universities are the key centers for producing knowledge and generating ideas. Over time, their purpose, role, vision, and mission have evolved across different contexts and environments, leading to significant changes. These changes, often described as the generational progression of universities, represent efforts to maintain their relevance and value in society. Universities are generally categorized into […]

The Role of Women’s Employment in Sustainable Development of Society

Article Author : Abdul Qaher Beheshti Required Time : 32 Min

The Employment of Women, one of the pillars of sustainable development, significantly contributes to women’s status to economic, social and cultural development of societies. Reduction of poverty and increase in the income of a family, women’s involvement in the formal workforce helps to increase the gross domestic product (GDP) and also strengthens entrepreneurship. Through economic […]

Consequences of Afghan Women’s Deprivation of the Right to Work

Article Author : Malika Saedi Required Time : 39 Min

Women, as members of the human community, are the most influential factor in the educational and managerial dimensions of both family and society, and their constructive role and active presence in society cannot be denied. As an inseparable part of society, women, through work and effort, are capable not only of advancing their personal and […]

Elucidating the Role of Brand Love Value

Article Author : Asal Nara Mazhari & Mohammad Amin Modaber Required Time : 42 Min

The objective of this article is to elucidate the value of brand love. The primary research question focuses on understanding this concept from the perspective of individuals who have an affinity for a specific brand. The study was conducted using a quantitative and field-based approach, emphasizing practical application. Based on the research problem, the researchers […]