The New Edition of “Ideas for Peace & Prosperity” – CDs

AELSO April 10, 2020 Recent News

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) as the leading free market think tank of Afghanistan is always trying its best to produce and present many academic resources for better understanding of free society values for Afghan nation.

We are very excited and proud that the 3rd edition of our CDs which are being distributed all over the Afghanistan; found a lot of interest and we have received hundreds of positive feedbacks from all the beneficiaries and those who received a copy of this CD and in below we would like to share a few of its significant points on how these CDs played an important role in bringing of peace, liberty and prosperity in Afghanistan.

The 3rd Edition of "Ideas for Peace & Prosperity" CDs Cover
The 3rd Edition of “Ideas for Peace & Prosperity” CDs Cover

The CDs of “Ideas for Peace and Prosperity” contains hundreds of books, articles, radio and video programs, Afghanistan national laws and human rights conventions with the object of education and promotion of free society values and its compatibility with Islam religion in Afghanistan. Until now we have successfully produced thousands copies of these CDs with the generous supports of our very long-term and distinguished partner organization (Network for a Free Society).

Mr. Khalid Ramizy, presenting a copy of the CD to Mr. Abdul Qaher Beheshti
Mr. Khalid Ramizy, presenting a copy of the CD to Mr. Abdul Qaher Beheshti

These CDs are being distributed to more than 80 public and private universities campuses and also to all provincial libraries from across the country, which approximately more than 30,000 individuals are the beneficiaries of these CDs until now.  

M. Khalid Ramizy, CEO of AELSO
M. Khalid Ramizy, CEO of AELSO

“I’m really glad that by producing of these CDs, AELSO played a very important and active role in promotion of free society values in Afghanistan and I am more than happy that the universities found the CDs very useful for the students and now they copied the contents of these CDs and currently they are sharing all the contents of the CDs with their students via USB flash. I am completely sure that these initiative of AELSO which is running since years can play a very important role to equip and educate the new generation of Afghanistan the ideas of peace, liberty, and tolerance,” Said M. Khalid Ramizy, CEO of AELSO.

Mr. Abdul Qahar Baheshti with a copy of Ideas for Peace and Prosperity CD
Mr. Abdul Qahar Baheshti with a copy of Ideas for Peace and Prosperity CD

“Indeed, I found these CDs very useful and full of the academic contents. As a university lecturer I found that these CDs can enhance the knowledge of universities students to better understand that what are the foundations of a free society. This is a great source of knowledge and wisdom which has a lot of important things for all of us and if read these all sources which exist in the CDs indeed we will lead Afghan nation toward peace and freedom. A big thanks to AELSO and all its partners for producing of such academic resource for in Afghanistan,” Said Abdul Qaher Beheshti, Lecturer of University.

“Thank you AELSO for printing of such an amazing CD, I found it very useful and even the CD helped me to I complete and write my thesis based on some of resources of this CD,” Said Mohammad Kamal Noorzai, a Student of Paktia University.

A few participants of the event
A few participants of the event

The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) is committed to produce and publish the 4th Edition of these CDs until the end of 2020. If you have any suggestion, please contact with us.  

As mentioned in above the CDs are available in all libraries of the country and our central office library in Kabul City; but if you want to order your own copy directly please contact with our communication and publication department at: [email protected]