The Contents of the Adventures of Jonathan Gullible Book Discussed in Herat Province

AELSO February 20, 2020 Recent News

On the event which was held by The White Assembly office in Herat province in 18th of January 2020; the Contents of the Adventures of Jonathan Gullible Book: A Free Market Odyssey book which is written by Ken Scholland and translated by M. Khalid Ramizy discussed in a big event which the participants were Afghan well-known scholars and writers, university students, civil society activists and politicians.

Mr. Khalid Ramizy talking about the JG book in Herat Province.
Mr. Khalid Ramizy talking about the JG book in Herat Province.

Mohammad Khalid Ramizy the Executive Director of AELSO talked about the contents and the values of the book for the audience and discussed the important topics of the books which teach very important lessons to all Afghan citizens and can plan an important role in bringing of individual liberty, property rights and other foundations of a free society.

Mr. Sayed Bashier Tareq talking about the JG book for the participants in Herat Province.
Mr. Sayed Bashier Tareq talking about the JG book for the participants in Herat Province.

The participants of the event appreciate the work of the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) on translating and publishing of this book in Afghanistan.

Participants of the Event.
Participants of the Event.

Learn more about this book in here.

JG books.
JG books.

If you want a copy of this book you can contact with us at:

[email protected]

JG book banner in Herat Province
JG book banner in Herat Province