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Scholars should promote and strive to institutionalize Tolerance in society

AELSO June 2, 2024 Recent News

The “Islam and Tolerance” summit, initiated by the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) in collaboration with the Ahl- Bait Higher Education Institute, was held in Kabul with the participation of Shia and Sunni scholars, university professors, students, and cultural and social activists.

At the summit, Islamic scholars discussed tolerance from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the sources of Islamic sects. They emphasized that tolerance is a fundamental principle in Islam. Additionally, other speakers at the Islam and Tolerance Summit stressed the importance of further activities focusing on the commonalities among Islamic sects in Afghanistan. They urged scholars to use the platforms of mosques and pulpits to promote and advocate for tolerance and peaceful coexistence within the community.

Furthermore, Dr. Ebrahimi, a religious scholar, stated that we must highlight the commonalities between sects and avoid fueling differences. He considered all the people of Afghanistan responsible for bringing the sects closer together and added, “If we excommunicate a Muslim for belonging to a particular sect, we are, in fact, excommunicating ourselves.”

Nevertheless, Dr. Abdul Wahhab Rahmani, a religious scholar, emphasized that Islam aims for peaceful coexistence for all human societies. He stated, “Tolerance holds a special place in the religion of Islam. Differences within the human race are a divine tradition. Differences should never lead to discrimination or superiority over one another.”

During this event, the book “Why I Defend Freedom as a Muslim” by Mustafa Akyol was introduced to scholars, guests, and participants. At the end of the program, copies of this book were presented to scholars, guests, and participants so that they could disseminate the valuable content of this book regarding tolerance and freedom from the perspective of the Quran and Islam in society.

The media coverage of the Islam and Tolerance summit can be viewed through the following links:

Tamadon TV    Farda News     AVA Press    INFORMATION TV- Part1    INFORMATION TV- Part2