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Freedom and Economics Seminar | Kabul

AELSO June 13, 2022 Recent News

The series of Freedom & Economics Seminars initiated and organized by the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) in collaboration with Bakhtar university and The White Assembly on the important topics such as; freedom, economic development, entrepreneurship and prosperity with the participation of university professors, experts, students and youth for half day in Kabul city.

In this seminar, participants learned, discussed and exchanged their ideas on different issues such as; freedom, economic development, role of freedom of expression in economic development, entrepreneurial challenges & opportunities in Afghanistan and practical strategies for solving economic challenges in the country.

Baheer Zaland, Vice Chancellor of Bakhtar university while speaking
Baheer Zaland, Vice Chancellor of Bakhtar university while speaking

Baheer Zaland, Vice Chancellor of Bakhtar university, expressed his view about the academic institutions and said: ” Academic institutions are the basic reference for production and growth of development ideas & initiatives which play important role in economic & social development by growing a beneficial human resource. Universities provide the necessary skills and learn students the alphabet of labor market in order to help them to know about market while entering in it and develop country’s economy.”

Abdul Qaher Beheshti, Head of research department at AELSO
Abdul Qaher Beheshti, Head of research department at AELSO

Abdul Qaher Beheshti, Head of research department at AELSO, pointed out on the mission and strategic vision of Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization(AELSO) and said: “Economic development depends on human resource development and human resource development is not possible without taking such academic seminars, doing self studies a and having effective scientific researches.”

Khawani Hemat, Head of Journalism Faculty at Bakhtar university
Khawani Hemat, Head of Journalism Faculty at Bakhtar university

Khawani Hemat, Head of Journalism Faculty at Bakhtar university, spoke about the role of freedom of speech in economic development and said: ” Freedom of expression plays a very important role in how countries develop, economically. It changes the standards of living by presenting modern & ideal lifestyles from developed countries and also gives people a comprehensive overview about the market products and help business sector by promoting the economic products.”

Najibullah Sulimankhil, the board member of AELSO
Najibullah Sulimankhil, the board member of AELSO

Najibullah Sulimankhil, the board member of AELSO, emphasized on the entrepreneurial challenges & opportunities in Afghanistan and said: ” Lack of systematic & strategic planning by the government about the entrepreneurship and the weak position of this important in studies curriculum at universities, are the major challenges towards promoting values of creativity and entrepreneurship in the country. But, easy entry & exit into labour market for implementing the entrepreneurial ideas, is one of golden opportunities towards entrepreneurship in Afghanistan, which we can use this opportunity to enhance the impacts of these activities for economic growth in the country.”

Hanif Farzan, lecturer of Bakhtar university and senior board member of The White Assembly
Hanif Farzan, lecturer of Bakhtar university and senior board member of The White Assembly

Hanif Farzan, lecturer of Bakhtar university and senior board member of The White Assembly, spoke about the permanent & temporary challenges of freedom and said: ”
The basic strategies for institutionalizing freedom of speech and solving its permanent & temporary challenges are; following the teachings of the holy religion of Islam about the freedom of expression & speech, maintaining the purity of knowledge and supporting media politically and financially without pursing personal targets by people or government.”

Obaidullah Zarifi, lecturer of Bakhtar university
Obaidullah Zarifi, lecturer of Bakhtar university

Obaidullah Zarifi, lecturer of Bakhtar university, added the political & economical usability, geographical challenges and recent political developments due to collapse of pervious government, as main challenges that Afghanistan’s economical situation is facing with. He also pointed to the opportunity that Afghanistan’s economy has right now and said: ” The opportunities that can help the country to overcome economic instability and move towards economic development are: Implementing microeconomics projects such as; CASA 1000 project and TAPI project, investing in transit crossroad like Lajward way project and connecting with the nearest water port of the region to continue economic activities.”

Wahidullah Rashid while beginning the Open Mike part of seminar
Wahidullah Rashid while beginning the Open Mike part of seminar

In Open Mike part of the seminar, participants shared their ideas about freedom, economic development and entrepreneurship in Afghanistan and also asked their questions from speakers and received their responses.
Hasiba Farahmand, a participant of the seminar, said:” Organizing such programs will provide students a specific vision aboit freedom and economic development, and in the light of that, students can provide their own plans for achieving freedom and economic development in the country.”

Noor Mohammad Ahmadzai, one of participants of Freedom and Economics Seminar
Noor Mohammad Ahmadzai, one of participants of Freedom and Economics Seminar

Noor Mohammad Ahmadzai, another participant of Freedom and Economics Seminar, said:” In current situation of Afghanistan, organizing such programs are extremely motivating and encouraging for youth. We, as youth of the country, believe that in any situation, we can strive for freedom and economic development, if we all work together for prosperity of our homeland.”

Sarah Farjam, program manager of AELSO
Sarah Farjam, program manager of AELSO

Sarah Farjam, program manager of AELSO, concluded the Freedom and Economics Seminar and said: ” Today’s seminar is a base for our future big programs. Apart from political issues, in this series of seminars, we will try to train youth and university students the values of freedom, economic development, entrepreneurship and prosperity. In order, youth and university students be prepared for our entrepreneurship boot camp program and implement their entrepreneurial practical projects for strengthening the freedom and economic development situation in the country.”

The Freedom and Economics Seminar ended by distributing certificates of participation and taking group photos, successfully.

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