University Students Round Tables

The Introduction of market economy and other values of free society to young generation such as university students and their exchange on views on challenges, achievements and obstacles of market economy in the country is one of the main objectives of the organization that trays to cover below issues:

• To raise awareness for young students and create exchange of views on free society values.
• Draw the attention of universities and academics to promote free society values particularly to promote market economy through doing scientific researches, exchange of views, establishing networks and raising awareness to public.
• Assessing the current situation of market economy and business activities by Afghan youths particularly students of universities at the remote provinces including evaluating the current achievements, challenges and new ideas.
• To introduce AELSO’s Mission and mandate including its publications that have been published by the strong support of Atlas and some other international think thanks such as IPN and hand over of these publications (Books) to local universities, intellectuals and participants of Students Round Tables.
• Donating Free Society Values’ CD’s to provincial universities and qualified students who have the capacity to read, translate and to discuss the content of such materials at their respected universities.
• To contact Local newly established private universities that have been opened and functioning very well under the shadow of market economy system at the country in recent years and encourage them for promotion of market economy and rule of law.
• To establish an external network of Students and local civil society institutions for promotional activities on market economy and free society values who should work around AELSO in future as local partners to the organization.



If you want to particiapte on these roundtables please complete our online application form in here.

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