AELSO April 19, 2018

  Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) has launched a new project for promotion and education of libertarian ideas in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) is working with different youth groups, civil society organizations, university students and Islamic scholars since 2009 and now is trying to expand its reach in all […]

Call for Applications! Human Rights Club 2018 (4th Generation)

AELSO June 30, 2015 0

Call for Applications! Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) and Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission in cooperation with The White Assembly, Dunya University and some other national and international academic organizations intends to hold the 4th generation (2018) of training course on human rights issues to increase the capacity of activists, human rights defenders, […]

Islam & Liberty Summits

AELSO September 14, 2014

Compatibility of Islam with free society values such as individual freedom and market economy in Islamic societies is one of the issues that all similar think tanks like AELSO in Muslim world are trying to find proper answers to that based on scholarly researches and studies. Since the establishment of the organization, AELSO’s research and […]

University Students Round Tables

AELSO September 14, 2014 0

The Introduction of market economy and other values of free society to young generation such as university students and their exchange on views on challenges, achievements and obstacles of market economy in the country is one of the main objectives of the organization that trays to cover below issues: • To raise awareness for young […]

Islam, individual freedom and free market

AELSO September 4, 2014

The compatibility of Islam with the values of open society such as individual freedom and free market in Islamic societies is one of the issues that all AELSO peer organizations in the world are trying to provide correct answers based on research and scientific research in this regard. The Institute of Economic and Legal Studies […]