Radio programs on monthly basis for education and promotion of human rights, individual freedom, tolerance, peace, and other free society values and opposing of radicalism in Afghanistan through Silk Road Station and other FM radio stations of Afghanistan.

AELSO June 23, 2019

Duration: Each of these radio programs will be producing in 25-30mins. Topics and Formats: These radio programs will be academic radios speaking programs about free society values, opposing of radicalism, promotion of peace and tolerance in all over Afghanistan. Each of these radio programs will be discussing a specific topic with a scholar. Each program […]

Educational videos on monthly basis for education and promotion of human rights, individual freedom, tolerance, peace and other free society values and opposing of radicalism in Afghanistan for Afghan national TVs, YouTube channel and social media networks.

AELSO June 23, 2019

Duration: 10 of these videos will be producing in 1min-2mins with short messages and thoughts of scholars for the promotion and education of the aforementioned values. And 10 more of these videos will 20mins-35mins.   Topics and Formats: Production of these videos will help us to reach those people who are very eager of being beneficiary […]

Webinars in the Persian language for education and promotion of libertarian ideas for people in Afghanistan, Iran & Tajikistan (Persian languages countries).

AELSO June 23, 2019

Duration: These webinars will be conducted in every 20 days with a duration of 45mins. Topics and Formats: All the topics are about the concept and ideas of a free society values which includes individual freedom, human rights, the market economy, limited government and other related and important topics of classical liberalism. The formats of […]

Round-tables/exchange view programs in 3 major provinces of Afghanistan in order to discuss and debate the compatibility of free society values with Islam, to address the misinterpretation of Islam among the participants and educate them the ideas of peace, love, liberty and prosperity and to give them the opportunity to share their own thoughts and views about the topics.

AELSO June 23, 2019

After a profound research conducted by AELSO’s research department, we found out that such roundtables/views exchange programs to discuss is a very effective way to promote foundations of liberalism, democracy, tolerance and oppose radicalism and gives a chance to the participants to share their ideas about mentioned values and how they could work against radicalism […]

Capacity building training for other Afghanistan-based think tanks (who are also working for the promotion of libertarian ideas) in order to equip them with the ideas of liberty, peace, and toleration and educate them to effectively work for their mission in Afghanistan.

AELSO June 23, 2019

Duration: Each of these capacity building training sessions will be conducted in 5 days of the week from 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM and total the hours of the aforementioned events will be: 9 hours. Topics and Formats: AELSO as the lead libertarian think tank of Afghanistan noted that most of the NGOs or think […]

Training/seminars on the education of Human Rights, Individual freedom, Market Economy, rule of law and other free society values in 3 major provinces of Afghanistan

AELSO June 23, 2019

Duration: Each of these training/seminars will be conducted once a week from 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM in total the hours of the aforementioned events will be: 8 hours including one hour of launch break. Topics and Formats: All the topics are about the concept and ideas of a free society values which includes individual […]