Islam & Liberty Summits

Compatibility of Islam with free society values such as individual freedom and market economy in Islamic societies is one of the issues that all similar think tanks like AELSO in Muslim world are trying to find proper answers to that based on scholarly researches and studies. Since the establishment of the organization, AELSO’s research and studies department along with similar regional and global partner institutions, has been involved on studies, researches and exchange of views through conferences, workshops, seminars and exchange of publications to promote individual freedoms and market economy based on Islamic Sharia and its fundamental principles.

These kind of engagements enabled AELSO to be one of the founders of a global network (Islam & Liberty Network) that was established in 2011 with aiming to promote Market economy and free society values in Islamic world.


AELSO is trying the best to remove the misunderstanding of people between the free society values and Islam in Afghanistan.


If you want to participate and be one of our next sessions participant you can complete our online application form in here!


Regarding any question you can contact with us at: [email protected]