Freedom Champions Award 2021

  • Are you a human rights and freedom activist and have you made significant achievements in this regard?
  • If your answer to the above question is yes, then you can nominate yourself for the “Freedom Champions Award 2021 “.

This award is given annually by the White Assembly and the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization in cooperation with other leading national and international organizations with the aim of introducing figures and personalities who have played a role in promoting and educating the values of human rights and freedom; which now they would introduce in a part of National Youth Conference.

Who can nominate for this award:

  • Human rights and civil activists from all over the country who are not older than 45 years;
  • Writers and journalists who have fight for citizens’ rights;
  • Personalities and scholars who have worked on issues of human rights, democracy and other components of a free society;
  • Women’s rights activists working under extremely difficult conditions in Afghanistan’s provinces for human rights and enlightenment values;
  • Those who take an active part in human rights and voluntary activities.

Program details:

  • Ten winners of this award will be selected and introduced at the National Youth Conference 2021;
  • The selection process of the figures will be done by the High Leadership Council of the National Youth Conference 2021, by taking into account their achievements;
  • Youth from all over the country can apply for the award and the conference team will invite only the selected candidates to one of the provinces where the National Youth Conference will be held;
  • All travel expenses will be paid by the 2021 National Youth Conference team;
  • The plans and programs of the nominees for this award are very important for us, and we are more interested in hearing the plans and programs of the nominees; so that in the future we can cover and cooperate with them;
  • All the winners of this award can participate in the National Youth Conference and the National Liberty Conference which will held in one of the largest cities of Afghanistan.

We are determined to raise your voice and plans as human rights and enlightenment activists throughout all Afghanistan and all across the world, and to commend your valuable works.

All the interested applicants can nominate themselves for this prestigious national award of Freedom Champions by filling out the following online form:

Deadline for Applications: June 25, 2021

For more information, you can call the contact numbers and email address below:

[email protected] | +93 (0) 795559445 | +93 (0) 793243106

The Publication & Communication Department of AELSO