Webinars in the Persian language for education and promotion of libertarian ideas for people in Afghanistan, Iran & Tajikistan (Persian languages countries).

These webinars will be conducted in every 20 days with a duration of 45mins.

Topics and Formats:
All the topics are about the concept and ideas of a free society values which includes individual freedom, human rights, the market economy, limited government and other related and important topics of classical liberalism. The formats of these webinars are giving of lectures by the speakers and trainers and also discussions among the participants.

In each of these webinars, our scholars will talk about free society values and how these values can be promoted and educated by the people.

In result at least 500 individuals not only from Afghanistan but also from other Persian speaking countries will be the beneficiaries of these webinars and their knowledge will be enhanced about the free society values.

For each of these 10 webinars, we will select one specific topic that should be related to free society values and will do a social media campaign for its promotion. On these webinars, our scholars will discuss the chosen topic and will address the questions of the participants. This initiative will cover and reach those participants who are out of the country or live in the rural area of the country, and they will be benefited.  

The participants of these webinars will be university students, civil society activists, journalists, policy makers, youth leaders, human rights activists and other people who will be eager to join. 

The speakers of these webinars based on each topic will be selected from AELSO scholars’ team and also from other scholars of Afghanistan.


You can apply and complete the online application form of this event in HERE!