Radio programs on monthly basis for education and promotion of human rights, individual freedom, tolerance, peace, and other free society values and opposing of radicalism in Afghanistan through Silk Road Station and other FM radio stations of Afghanistan.

Each of these radio programs will be producing in 25-30mins.

Topics and Formats:
These radio programs will be academic radios speaking programs about free society values, opposing of radicalism, promotion of peace and tolerance in all over Afghanistan.

Each of these radio programs will be discussing a specific topic with a scholar. Each program will have a presenter and a speaker/scholar to talk about the topic.

As AELSO has the experience of more than 8 years on producing of radio programs and also we established Silk Road Station on 2015, we already have the facilities by our own station to record, edit, broadcast it online and also share it with the other FM radio stations in Afghanistan. 

The beneficiaries of these radio programs will be also a very big audience, not only from Afghanistan but also other Persian speaking countries, such as Iran and Tajikistan and also all over the world via Silk Road Online Radio Station.

The speakers of these radio programs will be scholar team of AELSO along with other professors and lecturers of Kabul University and other academic institutions.