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Entrepreneurship Camp-2024 Organized with Perspective of Supporting Youth’s Innovation in Afghanistan

AELSO July 3, 2024 Recent News

The Entrepreneurship Camp, an innovative and practical initiative by the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO), aims to create a competitive environment among Afghan youth. This program provides a suitable platform for young entrepreneurs to present their entrepreneurial ideas and receive technical advice from a panel of evaluation committee and experts to improve and implement their ideas. Additionally, this program facilitates access to financial and technical support for the implementation of the youth’s entrepreneurial concepts.

Entrepreneurship Camp- 2024 was organized in collaboration with Khatam Al-Nabieen University and the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI). The event, held in Kabul, brought together entrepreneurs, university professors, the evaluation committee panel, entrepreneurial teams including women’s and girls’ teams, youth, and students.

The Entrepreneurship Camp plays a significant role in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation among Afghan youth. By encouraging and supporting young entrepreneurs, it contributes to the economic growth and development of Afghanistan. This program enables young people to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses, create job opportunities, and guide Afghanistan towards sustainable development.

Moreover, the camp instills a sense of hope and motivation in the new generation, encouraging them to focus on entrepreneurial activities and higher education, and actively participate in the country’s economic growth. By building confidence and providing resources, this practical program motivates Afghan youth to create a brighter future for themselves and their nation.

During their speeches and presentations of valuable guidelines and advice, the speakers and evaluation committee members emphasized the essential and valuable role of entrepreneurship in the broader context of sustainable economic growth in Afghanistan. They highlighted the need for innovative thinking, risk-taking, and resilience among businesses in Afghanistan’s challenging business landscape.

In Entrepreneurship Camp-2024, the organizers, mentors, and members of evaluation committee aimed to inspire and encourage young entrepreneurs and students by providing insights, guidance, and valuable networking opportunities. This was done to encourage them to engage in entrepreneurial endeavors and contribute to the socio-economic prosperity of Afghanistan.

In Entrepreneurship Camp-2024, more than 48 entrepreneurial concepts were received. After thorough evaluation by the assessment team and the evaluation committee, 28 teams were selected to participate in the camp’s competitions. These teams sought to gain necessary votes through an online voting system by engaging the people in supporting entrepreneurship. According to statistics, over 4500 Afghan citizens worldwide voted for their favorite teams.

Following the public’s participation in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, the 28 teams of Entrepreneurship Camp 2024 presented their entrepreneurial concepts via Google Meet to the evaluation committee and competed to be among the top six teams.

In this practical program, to supporting youth’s economic initiatives for a prosperous Afghanistan, six top teams from the “Entrepreneurship Camp- 2024″ were selected from among 28 entrepreneurial teams after evaluation by the evaluation Committee. These six teams advanced to the semi-finals, where they competed in front of the evaluation Committee members and participants.

As a result of these decisive competitions, the ” Dokhtarane Ba Royaei Shireen” team, led by creative women and girls from Farah province, achieved the Golden Award for Best Young Entrepreneurs. The “Nokhbagan” team, led by innovative youth from Nokhbagan University, secured the Golden Award for Best Student Entrepreneurs. The “Afghan Resin” team, led by innovative girls from Herat province, won the Golden Award for Best Tech Entrepreneurs.

“If the necessary support is provided to Afghan youth, we have immense talent in every field, and with minimal investment, we can create the best jobs and opportunities in the country,” said Nasir Ahmad Yazanparast, the manager of the Nokhbagan team.

The winners of the three Golden Awards at the Entrepreneurship Camp-2024, with financial and technical support from Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO), Khatam Al-Nabieen University, and the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI), will implement their entrepreneurial concepts. Each of these teams will create employment opportunities for other women, girls, and youth in Afghanistan.

Considering the current situation of women in Afghanistan, we have made significant efforts to provide more opportunities for them in all AELSO’s programs, particularly in the Entrepreneurship Camp. Therefore, out of the three best teams established by boys and girls in different cities and provinces of Afghanistan, two teams of girls were selected as winners of the Golden Awards in Entrepreneurship Camp-2024.

We at the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) sincerely appreciate all the speakers, organizers, partner organizations, and participants who collaborated in the successful organizing of Entrepreneurship Camp- 2024. We express special thanks and gratitude to Khatam Al-Nabieen University and the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) for their comprehensive support in organizing this effective program.

Entrepreneurship Camp 2024 received extensive media coverage, and you can access the reports and coverage through the following links:

Tamadon TV       RTA      Pajhwok News (1, 2)      Tawana News (TextVideo)      Hamnawa News     Khatam Al-Nabieen University (1, 2, 3)