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  • info@aelso.org

Nangarhar Youths Empowered with Entrepreneurial Ideas to Tackle Poverty in Afghanistan

AELSO March 2, 2024 Recent News

Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) in partnership with Al-Taqwa University organized Entrepreneurship Seminar in Nangahar province. This series of seminars aimed to explore entrepreneurship as an effective tool to combat poverty and contribute to the economic development of Afghanistan. Additionally, to present guideline and information about the Entrepreneurship Camp 2024 which will be […]

Entrepreneurship Seminar- Kabul

AELSO February 15, 2024 Recent News

The Entrepreneurship Seminar, organized by the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) in collaboration with the Isteqlal University, took place in Kabul with the participation of more than 180 university professors, lecturers, youth, and students. The aim was to enhance awareness in entrepreneurship and foster an entrepreneurial culture in Afghanistan. During this seminar, valuable […]

A youth gathering and celebration of 14th anniversary of AELSO

AELSO January 8, 2024 Recent News

Youth and human rights session was held to commemorate the 14th anniversary of establishment of Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization (AELSO). The event took place with the participation of the AELSO leadership, university professors, representatives from partner universities, and members of AELSO, both in-person and online. During the program, discussions were held on the […]

MoU with Malalay University- Kandahar

AELSO January 8, 2024 Recent News

Afghanistan Economic & Legals Studies Organization, in the realm of its academic relationships, has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Malalay University. The signing ceremony took place in the presence of the leadership of Afghanistan Economic & Legals Studies Organization (AELSO) and Malalay University. In accordance with the provisions of this memorandum, both parties aim […]

Entrepreneurship Seminar – Kandahar

AELSO January 8, 2024 Recent News

Entrepreneurship Seminar, initiated by the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization in collaboration with the Malalay Institute of Higher Education, in Kandahar province. The seminar aimed to introduce and identify opportunities, as well as harness existing entrepreneurial opportunities, in line with economic development, prosperity, and poverty alleviation efforts in Afghanistan. In this program, more than […]

Talk for Prosperity was held in Herat Province with participation of entrepreneur’s women

AELSO December 9, 2023 Recent News

Talk for Prosperity program, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Women in the Western Zone of Afghanistan and other partner institutions, was held in Herat province. The event, attended by more than 130 female merchants and entrepreneurs, the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment, youth and students. During this […]