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The meeting of life and motivation around the issue of women’s psychological problems after staying at home

AELSO January 1, 2022 Recent News

The series of practical meetings “Life and Motivation” from the initiatives of the Afghanistan Institute of Economic and Legal Studies in cooperation with White Assembly Organization and the Silk Road Online Radio, hosted by Manijah Ramezy; Professor of Kabul University and human rights activist and BA Dr. Seyed Betul Heydari; psychologist and university professor, about […]

Our New Book is Available now: YOUTH & ENLIGHTENMENT

AELSO December 30, 2021 Recent News

YOUTH & ENLIGHTENMENT; The Causes and Consequences of Extremism in Afghanistan The phenomenon of extremism has grown along with war and violence in Afghanistan and has rooted in the social and institutional structure of the country. The fight against this ugly phenomenon requires a proper understanding of its causes and consequences in the context of […]

Tea and Liberty meeting on the issue of losing the value of the Afghani currency

AELSO December 28, 2021 Recent News

The series of tea and Liberty program about the loss of the value of the Afghan currency and the analysis of the country’s economic situation with a current and future perspective was held at the initiative of the Afghanistan Institute of Economic and Legal Studies in cooperation with White Assembly Organization and the Silk Road […]

گفتمان کتاب | رونمایی از کتاب مقدمه‌ای بر کارآفرینی

AELSO December 23, 2021 Recent News

آیین رونمایی از کتابِ مقدمه‌ای بر کارآفرینی در برنامه‌ای گفتمان کتاب، به صورت حضوری و حضورداشت آنلاین دکتر عبدالقیوم سجادی؛ موسس دانشگاه سراج و محمد خالد رامزی؛ بازنویسی‌کننده‌ی کتاب مقدمه‌ای بر کارآفرینی و رئیس اجرائیه موسسه مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان، از سوی موسسه مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان به همکاری موسسه تحصیلات عالی سراج، […]

نشست چای و آزادی پیرامون موضوع آموزش و ترویج ارزش‌های جامعه باز

AELSO December 4, 2021 Recent News

نخستین برنامه چای و آزادی از سلسله برنامه‌های جدید و کاربردی موسسه مطالعات اقتصادی و حقوقی افغانستان پیرامون آموزش و ترویج ارزش‌های جامعه باز شامل حقوق بشر، همدیگرپذیری، کثرت‌گرایی، اعتدال‌گرایی و رفاه به همکاری سازمان اجتماعی سفید و رادیو آنلاین راه‌ابریشم موفقانه راه‌اندازی شده و با استقبال جوانان از هرگوشه‌ای جهان همراه بود. برنامه چای […]

One Day Before the Collapse of Afghanistan; the National Youth Conference 2021 was Successfully Organized

AELSO November 16, 2021 Recent News

National Youth Conference 2021, in continuation the initiatives of the White Assembly and in cooperation with the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO), RANA University, Azem Publications and other leading national and International organizations with the presence of more than 400 elite youth from all over the […]