December 19, 2024 Article Author : Abdul Qaher Beheshti Required Time : 32 Min

The Role of Women’s Employment in Sustainable Development of Society

The Employment of Women, one of the pillars of sustainable development, significantly contributes to women’s status to economic, social and cultural development of societies. Reduction of poverty and increase in the income of a family, women’s involvement in the formal workforce helps to increase the gross domestic product (GDP) and also strengthens entrepreneurship. Through economic engagement, employed women become self sustained and foster their role in household and community level decision making processes.

As regards impact on society, Women’s employment elevates their position in the society, lowers the risk of domestic abuse, and increases voluntary participation, while also serving as effective role models to the coming generations. On the contrary, these improvements challenge stereotypes and facilitate the gender equity culture. From a cultural perspective, women in business are vital in changing existing stereotypes, which leads to a revolution in the workplaces, and the culture of learning which in essence is a catalyst for change in any society.

Analysis demonstrate that encouraging women’s participation through implementation of supportive legislations, provision of appropriate training, creation of enabling environment and changing of perceptions can help unleash their potential.

Keywords: Women’s employment, sustainable development, financial independence, gender equity, entrepreneurship, social equality.