Feminism Approaches and Challenges in Islamic Society

Article Author : Fakhria Samadari Required Time : 18 Minutes

Feminism, as a social and political movement that has gender equality as its main goal, has gained a lot of influence and attention all over the world. Nonetheless in Islamic societies, the concepts and principles of feminism have faced limitations and contradictions. Feminism in Islamic society is complex and delicate, which should be widely discussed […]

The Status of Women’s Economic and Social Rights in the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights

Article Author : Salima Ahmadi Required Time : 23 Minutes

Human rights encompass various dimensions that are defined and interpreted differently within religions, ideologies, and political doctrines. However, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights pursued by the United Nations is recognized as the primary and credible document among different countries. Human rights, in their broad and general sense, aim to uphold the rights of citizens […]

Examining the Factors of Women Trafficking and Prevention Strategies in International Documents

Article Author : Zahra Arifi Required Time : 25 Minutes

Human trafficking is recognized as an organized crime and a grave violation against humanity and human rights. The trafficking of women and girls predominantly occurs from developing countries with transitioning economies, for exploitative and abusive purposes, both sexually and economically, aimed at the significant profits of traffickers globally. This research employs an analytical-descriptive approach to […]

Women’s Rights from the Perspective of Islam

Article Author : Zohal Beheshti Required Time : 22 minutes

Islam regards women as free and created them as human beings, not as slaves, not subservient to men, and certainly not as creatures of the left hand or of Satan, as some ignorant people believe. Women are entitled to all the human rights that men enjoy; they possess all those rights as human beings. However, […]

The Status of Afghan Women and the Return of the Taliban (1400, 1401)

Required Time : 27 Minutes

Women in the history of Afghanistan have been among the most vulnerable segments of society. Cultural weakness and societal backwardness have perpetuated a system of male dominance, with men exerting power in various ways to assert superiority and control over women. Women have consistently remained in social and cultural poverty, lacking opportunities for advancement. Due […]

The role of women entrepreneurs in the economic development of Afghanistan

Article Author : Negina Faizi Required Time : 21 Minutes

Considering the pivotal role they play in societies, women entrepreneurs can be regarded as the main drivers of progress and development in a country. The involvement of women entrepreneurs in economic activities lays the groundwork for national development. Hence, it is imperative to create avenues for self-awareness, guide women’s economic and social capabilities, and strategically […]